Don't Let Them Fool You: Why the Grass is Greener on the Other Side

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Primary Blog/Most Popular/Don't Let Them Fool You: Why the Grass is Greener on the Other Side
truth about Fatherless Men

Don’t let people tell you that the grass isn't greener on the other side or that all you need to do is ‘fix’ your relationship. Dumbest advice ever. We don’t live in limits, but abundance. What gives them the right to tell you to stay where you know you should leave or where you’ve decided to leave?

People who live in limits have to worry if there is anything better out there. But for everyone else, there is better out there, waiting for you on the new frequency you are on.

Life is an evolution. It is growth. Yet, people think relationships are the best they are ever going to be. What a load of utter shit. Why don’t they account for growth and the evolutionary process when it comes to relationships yet do it for everything else? Think schooling or jobs. Like what human is leaving a job for a shittier even worst off work environmment. When you graduate from a lower level in school, you move on to the next level, and for jobs, growth is upward. But, people are spreading a false narrative about relationships that it is either as good as it gets or worse out there. Just utter crap.

There is better out there, better than what you’ve had or what you left. You’ve overcome that phase/lesson of your life, and a new door to even better has opened up.

Have you noticed how some people from your past have completely dropped out of your life, and not only do you not see them anymore but you no longer see people with a similar vibration or energy? It’s because that phase of your life has ended, you’ve learned all that you needed to learn in regards to that situation. Now, you’ve opened up yourself for better, better friends, a better job, just overall better. And the same goes for your romantic relationships. When you’ve learned the lesson from one and are ready to move on, even better partnerships awaits you.

But for some reason, people think this logic doesn’t work with romantic relationships and that somehow there is only worst out there; maybe for them because that’s what they personally believe. But that’s not the truth. The Universe is abundant. When you’re ready to move on, not only are you equipped with the knowledge and resources gained previously but an abundant Universe awaits you.

Don’t allow people to impose their limits on you. Work out the relationship if you feel in your heart that is what you want to do, or move on from those you know you should leave. Walk confidently into your future knowing that you will be met with even better than you’ve had before.

Not only is there better out there but there are people with similar values and frequencies waiting to meet you.

Life is an evolution, an evolution to a higher frequency and a purer way of living, being. This doesn’t mean that when you move onward and upwards you discard people or leave on bad terms, no, not at all. But maybe where you’ve reached in your evolutionary process is not where someone else is or wants to be and that is okay. You have no right to force them up; that is a decision they must freely make on their own. However, they have no right to keep you trapped to their energy field and lack of growth. You have the right to move on; you do not have to lower yourself to their frequency. Nope. Sometimes the kindest thing to do is moving on, wishing the other nothing but the best as you journey on to your next destination, knowing fully, better and more aligned awaits you.

Allow people’s limits to stay with them as you walk freely and joyfully into your abundance.

I conclude by saying, I am a very monogamous person. I don’t believe in throwing away relationships just for the heck of it. I am willing to learn and grow with a partner and experience love & life with them for as long as they are willing to learn and grow with me and experience love & life with me. And if for some reason that changes for one or both of us, then I am okay with moving on and evolving without them. I don’t believe I have to do something to unnecessarily hurt them to justify wanting to move on. It can all happen amicably, regardless if feelings of sadness or loss comes up for either of us. And I know fully even better and more aligned awaits me once I’ve made that decision. Life is an onward and upward journey, moving upwards always if you accept and believe it.

Leave the limits for those who want limits. It’s time for your conscious moods that you are choosing to determine your fortune, your experiences, your outcome. So cheers to the grass always being greener wherever you may find yourself. And know that where you are going, only abundance awaits you. Claim it all,  knowing fully the grass is indeed always greener on your evolutionary journey.

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